Communications Acceptable Use Policies: Some Cybersecurity Considerations
Managing employee communications devices in the always-connected global business community has become an important issue for information security personnel engaged in the…
Managing employee communications devices in the always-connected global business community has become an important issue for information security personnel engaged in the…
An analysis of the Obama Administration draft cybersecurity Executive Order.
The up-tick in cybercrime and the advanced persistent threats that U.S. corporations and citizens are facing minute-by-minute and day-by-day in cyberspace present…
It's clear that it will take a generation (or more!) for this digital industrial revolution to achieve a new stasis (or equilibrium)…
Point of Sale (POS) manufacturers, integrators and re-sellers may now take an on-line training program and on-ground test through the Security Standards…
Case law is emerging on the use of social media in resolving disputes. Here is a summary of some recent cases.
How does the participation of employees from a business in the various social media platforms affect the corporate image and branding program?…
Is it worth it for companies to actively engage in social media? The risks must be weighed.
Real estate agents are very busy with their own core business process and rarely have time to monitor their computer systems and…
ACTA seeks to address the significant economic impact that infringers are having on creative artists and scientists. It establishes the obligations of…