What to Watch For in 2024 Q3 & Q4

ByJane Ginn

May 6, 2024 , ,

What to Watch for in 2024 Q3 & Q4

Predicting the exact nature of future cyber threats can be challenging, but based on current trends and expert predictions, here are some of the most formidable threats we might face in 2024:

AI-Powered Attacks:

Adversarial AI: Malicious actors will increasingly use AI to automate and personalize attacks, making them harder to detect and respond to. This could involve using AI to generate convincing phishing emails, exploit vulnerabilities in AI systems, or manipulate public opinion through deepfakes.

AI Arms Race: We might see a dangerous escalation in the use of AI by both attackers and defenders. Attackers will try to develop increasingly sophisticated AI-powered tools, while defenders will need to invest in AI-driven security solutions to keep up.


Expanding Attack Surface:

Internet of Things (IoT): The vast number of interconnected devices will continue to be a major target for attackers. With weak security features and limited patching capabilities, these devices can be used to gain access to networks and steal data.
Supply Chain Attacks: Attackers will target vulnerabilities in software development and delivery pipelines to compromise entire ecosystems. This could involve injecting malicious code into open-source libraries or software updates.

Sophisticated Social Engineering

Deepfakes and other Synthetic Media: Attackers will leverage increasingly sophisticated synthetic media to create believable scams and social manipulation campaigns. This could be used to impersonate executives, spread misinformation, or damage reputations.
 Advanced Phishing: Phishing attacks will become more personalized and convincing, leveraging deep learning to tailor emails and websites to individual targets.

Other Concerning Trends

Escalating State-Sponsored Cyberwarfare: Increased geopolitical tensions could lead to more cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure and sensitive data.
Mobile malware: As people rely more on their smartphones for sensitive activities, they will become prime targets for malware designed to steal financial information and personal data.
Ransomware Evolution: Ransomware attacks will likely become more sophisticated, targeting not just individual devices but also entire networks and critical infrastructure.

The cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving, making it crucial to stay informed about the latest trends and vulnerabilities. Regularly updating your systems, using strong passwords, and being cautious about clicking on links or downloading attachments are essential steps for everyone. Organizations should invest in comprehensive security solutions and employee training to stay ahead of potential threats.

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