A STIX/TAXII community member, Stephen Russett, recently contributed a new open source tool to the CTI community. Here is what he provided as guidance.
“The TAXII-Worker is a “External Task Worker”, which interacts with the Taxii server’s workflow engine. Whenever any work needs to be executed, rather than executing on the Taxii server, it is tasked for fetching by the cluster of Workers. This is all based on Vertx so you get clustering, non-blocking, and scaling.
The extra flavour for the worker is, it also can execute on GraalVM and use the polymorphic language support.

Another example would be if you wanted to parse data from STIX into some other non-STIX data format. You can use the workflow engine and the Graal execution to convert using your language of choice into the end format of your choice.
You can also use this setup to execute work on other systems, such as if a STIX cyber observable is evaluated and determined that some sort of script should be executed as mitigation or prevention. No need for extra layers of systems, you can execute this with ease, and with your language of choice. This also plays well into OpenC2 style of requirements, where the worker becomes a micro app which is the executor, and the workflow engine is the upstream Command system. The actual openC2 spec is just a light json layer on top.”