JSON Abstract Data Notation Finalized

ByJane Ginn

August 24, 2021 ,

OASIS is pleased to announce that Specification for JSON Abstract Data Notation Version 1.0 from the OASIS Open Command and Control (OpenC2) TC [1] has been approved as an OASIS Committee Specification.

JSON Abstract Data Notation (JADN) is an information modeling language. It has several purposes including defining data structures, validating data instances, informing user interfaces working with structured data, and facilitating protocol internationalization. JADN specifications consist of two parts: abstract type definitions that are independent of data format, and serialization rules that define how to represent type instances using specific data formats. A JADN schema is itself a structured information object that can be serialized and transferred between applications, documented in multiple formats such as text-based interface definition languages, property tables or diagrams, and translated into concrete schemas used to validate specific data formats.

This Committee Specification is an OASIS deliverable, completed and approved by the TC and fully ready for testing and implementation.

The prose specifications and related files are available here:

Specification for JSON Abstract Data Notation Version 1.0
Committee Specification 01
17 August 2021

Editable source:
https://docs.oasis-open.org/openc2/jadn/v1.0/cs01/jadn-v1.0-cs01.md (Authoritative)

Distribution ZIP file
For your convenience, OASIS provides a complete package of the prose specification and related files in a ZIP distribution file.

Members of the OpenC2 TC [1] approved this specification by Special Majority Vote. The specification had been released for public review as required by the TC Process [2]. The vote to approve as a Committee Specification passed [3], and the document is now available online in the OASIS Library as referenced above.

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