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We have collaborated to support the Sports ISAO World Cup events and 2018 Winter Olympics with amazing success. [The Founder’s]… hard work and determination has directly contributed to the safety and protection of US networks from adversaries. I would recommend anyone who gets a chance to work with [CTIN] to take it!

B. Penn, Faculty, Sports-ISAO Training Program

Open communication made it possible for all participants to express their thoughts without reservations. You were made to feel valued. This is an excellent way to train and prepare individuals for the Cyber Security industry. The overall experience of working with such a diverse group as well as the challenging problems made for an enlightening and exhilarating experience.

T. Porter, c-Watch Intern

I have obtained invaluable skills in cyber threat intelligence during my internship …during the summer of 2017. The mentors were available to help train and guide me through the process of learning how to threat hunt, and gave me continuous feedback. I am glad I had the chance to learn these skills so I can focus on pursuing a career in this field.

J. Wagner, c-Watch Intern

The Sports ISAO proof of concept validated the applicability for future types of events and operations to the blending of higher education and cyber expertise in concert with the discipline of intelligence. The ISAO team organized and operated the watch floor in a regimented fashion that is consistent with incident command structure which allowed for defined roles and clear troubleshooting expectations.

B. Gleason, c-Watch Program Partner

[The Founder of CTIN]… shared her knowledge about STIX\TAXII, using the TIP platform and industry methodology about information sharing while providing insight on the operational needs for a pop-up SOC. I always enjoy being around Jane, she is brilliant, engaging and positive. I can’t say enough about her, she is a consummate leader.

Y. Adams, CrowdWatch Member

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